Gusto Booking
Custom software development and custom software solutions are created by fully considering the wishes and requirements specified by the customer.
Everything about maintenance and service is easier with GustoBooking! With GustoBooking, manage your maintenance and service appointments from anywhere, so your customers can make appointments from anywhere at any time! GustoBooking services are divided into users and customers. The powers and features of service providers are as follows
- Login to the system with user name and password.
- Entering corporate information.
- Services can enter their own data privacy agreements
- Entering the branch or branches.
- Ability to open service users.
- Entering, updating, activating, deactivating and deleting maintenance types.
- Ability to enter service times according to maintenance type
- Being able to enter the types of bikes, if they want, they will be able to enter the price and description according to the duration, maintenance type and bike.
- Ability to add home care option, if the customer chooses this, the address and information to be requested will be obtained from the customer.
- Ability to enter the Maintenance type without Appointment if desired
- Ability to enter service start and end dates.
- Ability to enter service hours.
- Ability to edit sms text according to sms status.
- Ability to enter and update sms header and token information.
- Ability to perform branch-based occupancy control, (viewing with pie chart % flood occupancy and list.)
- Service Reports, ongoing, completed, calendar display, branch selection and viewing all branches on a single screen.
Client Side
The reservation screen is accessed by entering the necessary information in the reservation entry section. Service providers arrange the reservation stages themselves. (For example, 1-Type of Vehicle to be Serviced 2- Type of Service You Want to Receive 3- Transactions That Can Be Done at the Branch-Transactions That Can Be Done at Home 4- Date-Time-Appointment Branch can be presented to the customer.) The customer proceeds through the reservation stages according to the options offered by the service provider. Selections such as the latest date, time, and branch to make an appointment are made by the customer. With the conclusion of the appointment process, the necessary appointment information is delivered to the customer.
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